Neko-wa Kyusho (Ari)

(= A cat has nine lives.)



 Everything in this world is in balance. In Chinese philosophy, this is called “Yin Yang (” In animal world, we have heard it said that cats are Yin (animals) while dogs are Yang. This concept or myth has undoubtedly been believed for centuries. One of the good examples is the novel named “Kuro Neko (Black Cat)” written by Edogawa Ranpo (Edgar Allan Poe: He wrote a lot of fictions, but this piece is awesome. He established the genre of ‘ghost stories.’





 In Western world, there is a saying, “A black cat crossing your path will bring you a bad luck.” Today’s proverb deals with a “cat issue.” Universally, cats are regarded as mysterious animals. Probably that’s why cats show up in so many ghost stories.

 “A cat has nine lives” means that cats die hard! Is that true? I don’t think so. You know that, don’t you? Especially, the longevity of stray cats is said to be one year or two. How sad!

 Still, people believe cats are so vindictive that they try to revenge by being reborn for nine (9) times. Revenge is sweet. Wow!


(The Seal Down Left reads ‘A Black Cat Girl’)

 When dogs never carry this image, only cats do. There cannot be an illustration like above with the seal saying, ‘A Black (or whatever colored) Dog Boy’ surrounded by a pack of dogs!? Does it look like this?


(See? You are laughing!)

 Okay… all you have to remember is – “Do not torture cats! Otherwise, they will come and get you no matter how long it takes!” Do NOT mess with cats!!

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