Hello Future Japanese Experts and Big Warm Welcome!
It has been a couple of weeks since JapaneseExperts.net was open and ready to show you a magic of speaking Japanese! You may have been anxious to learn how to speak Japanese some day for a long time or may have been looking for a more skilled Japanese instructor because you have been stuck in a particular level for some time.
Anyway, here at JapaneseExperts.net, you sit back and relax. Look around to see if JEN could offer the service you want. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask JEN (ME = YOKO).
Now that the site itself is “settled” in some way, I will start writing blogs both in English and Japanese (They are different from each other so you can benefit from both of them). Also, newsletters (You will be able to subscribe JEN’s newsletter for FREE!) are coming soon so you can enjoy and start using some knicknacks to add to your daily conversation in Japanese!
Additionally, JEN has to make a big announcement – VIDEO LESSONS! This service is limited to JEN members and you can purchase membership here at JEN. With your membership, you can freely watch my videos over and over (and over…!?), and get lots of information and knowledge. You can take a glimpse of them at JEN, but it is necessary for you to purchase JEN membership to access full videos.
Once again, welcome to JEN and hope you will come back soon so you can become a Japanese expert!