Kodomo-wa Shojikida

(= Children and fools speak truth [cannot lie].)

SCHOOLSCOUT Märchenfiguren 1

(You know this fable, don’t you?)

 In this modern days, not all children are innocent, unfortunately. Still, there are lots of innocent kids left in this wide world. So precious! My kids are not always honest with me, either. However, I can consult them when I find it difficult to judge something or someone from time to time. They can speak truth by nature, which we adult cannot help admiring.

 There used to be a genius comedian named Fujiyama Kanbi (1929 – 1990). There was no actor who could play the role of a fool as well as Fujiyama. When he played a fool on the stage, everyone looked down upon him. Some pitied him. Others sympathized with him. At best they neglected him. But at the climax, he, a big fool, always spoke the truth and amazed everyone including the audience. Then, all the audience laughed and laughed, ending up crying…. No Japanese expects another Kanbi to show up in Japan forever.








(One and Only Genius Comedian in Japan)

 Ask children or fools when you cannot make a decision. They will help you!




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