Botan Nabe



(Botan Nabe)

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(How It Is Served)

 The Daylight Saving Time ended. It’s WINTER! Speaking of winter, the Japanese think about “Nabe Ryori (the cuisines served in the pot as it is).” Today I will talk about Botan Nabe (pictures above). As all Nabe Ryori do, Botan Nabe warms you up. Something special about Botan Nabe is its beauty of the way the wild boars are served. Look at the picture above! Doesn’t it look like a piece of camellia flower? Yes, “Botan” means “Camellia.” Now you got it! You can explain to your friends why this particular Nabe Ryori is called “Botan Nabe.” 

 Ingredients of Botan Nabe include vegitables, rootcrops, a variety of mushrooms, several kinds of potatoes and yams, konjak (devil’s-tongue), wheat-gluten bread called “Fu,” and tofu. All of them go into nabe (pot) with wild bore meat. Wild boars are hunted in the particular mountains, so you will see lots of local restaurants near the mountains which serve Botan Nabe. Strangely, this is NOT a home made dish usually. Since wild boar meat has a particular smell, you should eat it as soon as they are captured. Hunters bring in their trophies to the restaurants near the mountains. They are served fresh to make everyone happy.


(Japanese Camellia/Botan)

 One more thing (I am not lieutenant Columbo!) – Camellias are one of the flowers which exemplify beauties. Take a look at this traditional Japanese saying:

“Tateba Shakuyaku, Suwareba Botan,

Aruku Sugata-wa Yuri-no Hana.”

= She looks like a peony when standing, a camellia when sitting down,

and she looks like a lily when she walks (She is a radiant beauty).

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