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Friday: Kojiki (「乞食」ではなく『古事記』ですヨ!!) #16

 Ashiharano Nakatsukuni (葦原中国) (Ookuninushi and Sukunahikona)  Ookuninushi (大国主), whose wife was very jealous of his new wives, successfully expanded his territory while getting married to the daughters of local powers and having his children. There was a strong belief in those days that you would gain strong spiritual power of the local god if you married the daughters of local rulers. Kojiki shows the names of Ookuninushi’s wives and their children. All of them ends with honorrific titles like Mr. whatever god or Mrs. whatever goddess. That means Ookuninushi (a god) got married to a local god’s daughter (Miss Goddess) to have children of gods (Mr and Mrs. gods). I …

Thursday: Japanese Food (日本の食べ物)

Curry and Rice (カレーライス) or Curry Udon (カレーうどん)   (Curry and Rice)   (Curry and Udon)  In any country in the world, children should have, at least a couple of them, their favorite home cooking. In Japan, one of them is “Curry and Rice (カレーライス)” or “Curry Udon (カレーうどん).” When you walk down on the street at dinner time, you can tell people will have or are having “Curry” for their dinner because it has a very strong flavor.  You usually cook curry first. Ingredients are most likely beef, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Of course there are a couple of variation regarding “meat.” Some people love (deep fried) shrimp curry (and rice) …

Wednesday: Nihon-no Manga (日本の漫画)

Tomorrow’s Joe (あしたのジョー)    Last week, you were introduced to Sports (JUDO) Cartoon called Judo Icchokusen. This week you will see another Sports (Boxing) Cartoon callled Tomorrow’s Joe (あしたのジョー). Japanese kids (their dads too!) were so anxiously waiting for this TV show. As time went by, lots of TV shows were forgotten as “No Biggie!” But, this show has stayed in Japanese people’s mind for such a long time that they made a remake (movie this time!) in 2011. You can watch it free at YouTube (https://youtu.be/yWC4_lkYGUU).  An orphan boy called Yabuki Jo (やぶきじょー) was “found” by an ex-professional boxer Joe called “OSSAN (おっさん).” The jouney of these two (Boxing …

Tuesday: Nihon-no Kotowaza (にほんのことわざ)

“Baka-wa Shinanakya Naoranai (ばかはしななきゃなおらない。).” = “He who is born a fool is never cured.”   (Dumb and Dumber) No explanation necessary. Right!?

Monday: One Point Nihongo Clinic

Q: Watashi-wa Koko-ni Sumimasu (「わたしはここにすみます。」). Is this a good translation of “I live here.” ? A: “NO!”  If you meant to say, “I live here (Actually, you have lived there for a long time as a resident.),” you should have said, “Watashi-wa Koko-ni Sundeimasu (-teimasu pattern).” “Watashi-wa Koko-ni Sumimasu (「わたしはここにすみます。」).” is used in the situation like… You are driving around with your realtor, looking for a house. You finally found a right one and tell your decision to your realtor.  “I like this house. I will live here.” –> “Kono Ie-ga Kiniirimasita. Koko-ni Sumimasu. 「このいえがきにいりました。ここにすみます。」”  “I live here.” –> “Watashi-wa Koko-ni Sundeimasu. 「わたしはここにすんでいます。」”   

Friday: Kojiki (「乞食」ではなく『古事記』ですヨ!!) #15 

 My blog on “Kojiki (古事記)” @ Blogger.com has moved to JEN’s blog. That’s why this article is #15. Archives are found over there (My handle name is “Japanese Banzai” @ blogger.com.).  Well, we have been talking about the origin of Japan. Ookuninushi (大国主命) had, as is often the case with historic heros, a very important mission to generate his offsprings. No matter where he travelled, he never failed to get married to local beauties. Sometimes that was the very reason for his travel. And – he successfully accomplished his mission!  Remenber? Ookuninushi’s first wife was Yagamihime (八上比売). However, he brought back Suseribime (須勢理毘売). Yagamihime was not an assertive kind and …

Thursday: Japanese Food (日本の食べ物)

 Do you like Sushi (すし)? Do you like Sashimi (さしみ)? Do you like Udon (うどん)? All of those are Japanese food. You might know other Japanese food that you can enjoy your local Japanese restaurants. Some health magazines sometimes feature Japanese food so you could cook at home! Usually Japanese food uses a lot of fresh green vegetables in season. No wonder it is regarded as “healthy.”  Well, today’s topic is Zoni (ぞうに) – Chicken, bamboo shoot, fish paste (かまぼこ), mitsuba (みつば), and rice cake (もち)in soysauce (しょうゆ) based soup. This is a celebration food at the beginning of the year. Depending on where you live in Japan, soysauce is …

Wednesday: Japanese Cartoon (日本の漫画)

   Speaking of Martial Arts’ Manga (まんが), this was one of the Japanese classics. I knew there was an original Manga of this piece, but I was a big fan of its TV show – Judo Icchokusen. The DVD is available, too.    In this TV version, the main role was played by Sakuragi Kennichi (桜木健一). He got a big breakthrough as an actor by this show. After this show ended, other TV shows were created, some of which became very popular though they were not related to Martial Arts. Other Martial Arts, though they were popular enouch when they were Manga, didn’t make it to be successful as TV shows. Judo Icchokusen …

Tuesday: Japanese Proverb (日本のことわざ)

#1. Au-wa Wakare-no Hajime. (会うは別れの始め)=To meet is to part. “Au” = meet or see “Wakare” = parting or separation “Hajime” = beginning Life is cruel in itself. The time will eventually come that you have to say bye to your loved one.  

Monday: One Point Nihongo Clinic

(President Obama and Japanese Emperor Akihito)  When you meet someone you know on the street, what do you say to greet?   <Textbook-ish Conversation=Translation of English Conversation>  Pseudo-Japanese: “Ogenkidesuka?” (Translation of “How are you?”)  「おげんきですか。」  American: “(O)genkidesu. Anatawa?” (Translation of “Fine, and you?”) 「(お)げんきです。あなたは?」  PJ: “Hai, genkidesu.” (Translation of “Yes, I am fine.) 「はい、げんきです。」  I call BS! This conversation never happens in reality. The Japanese start their conversation with “WEATHER,” after greeting each other with “Ohayo(gozaimasu)” “Konnichiwa” “Konbanwa,” and so on, depending the time of the day or occasions.  When a Japanese asks you to see if you are well, by saying, “Ogenki?” or “(Gokigen) Ikaga?,” what you are supposed to say is – …

第166号 「エラかったね、ケイラ(Kayla)ちゃん!!」の巻

 先ず初めに、なぜ「第166号」なのか(「第1号」ではなく…)!?  それは、このブログがアメブロの「継続版」だからであります。リンクによって、アメブロからお越しの読者の方もいらっしゃるでしょう。はい、ここが、これからの私の「ホームベース」となりますのでよろしく!!  さて、本題に入りましょう。  昨日(水曜日)は、(ジョッシュの妹の)ケイラを教えました。例の「分数」であります。先週の水曜日、「これこれを宿題でやっておいてね。」と言っておいたんですが、前回のブログでは、「まずやらんじゃろう」との予測をしておりました。「勉強よりも色気」という感じでしたので。  それが…。(うちの次男と同い年で今年の夏から中学に入る)ケイラは、指示したことを全てやっておったのでした!!  「エラかったね、ケイラちゃん!!」と言って私が彼女と握手すると(アメリカ人はなにかっつーと「握手をする」のが伝染してしまっています)むちゃくちゃうれしそうな「ジョッシュの笑顔」になりました。可愛いやん、この娘(こ)!!  しっかり練習をしてくれていたので、足し算と引き算から入り、掛け算と割り算の計算にまで進むことができました。これは彼女にとって「快挙」なのであります。こうなると、話は早い。来週まで、「Khan Academy(オンライン)で今回は一日に15問『(分数の)四則』の練習しときなよ。」と言ったら、「うん、やってみるわ!」って。「カスかなあ」、と思っていたのが、「案外行ける」と分かって、ストレスは飛んで行ったのでありました。

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