Debiru Man (Devil Man)


(Opening Song:

 “Debiru Man” (manga version) started in 1972 in Shukan Shonen Magajin (Weekly Magazine for Boys). Like “Tiger Mask” which I previously discussed in my blog, the hero was designed to be evil, but turned into a great hero!

 The original manga version is a horror – The main character (Akira Fudo), who is amalgamated with a devil, is getting more and more apocalyptic in terms of the world view. On the other hand, TV version of “Devil Man” is a typical hero for boys and tries to protect humans from his fellow divils, which even 3 year olds can understand!

 Manga readers, who were identified as educated adults (though the title of the magazine says it is “one for boys”), enjoyed it because of its subtle implication of the Apocalypse. TV audience (mostly pre-teen kids), including me, simply enjoyed “actions” in the show. In both ways, this manga was very entertaining!


(Original Manga Version) 
